May 16, 2012

WAKE UP PEOPLE: Human Population Mind Control

U.S. intelligence agencies spent millions on top-secret mind control projects with a goal of creating totally dependable, programmable human robots.
The projects involved brutal, often terminal experiments on thousands of unwitting citizens in direct defiance of law, all ethical codes, and the most basic human rights. We talk to author John Marks, who broke the story of the CIA's experiments known as MK-ULTRA and a woman whose past was erased by a brainwashing experiment.

Those who will see it will be thought of as insane.

This is a cursory but fact filled work concerning the atrocities of mind control perpetrated by the darker elements of US Government in the last half century to this present day. The subject is so detailed, documented and widespread, that it would take several books to tackle this subject exhaustively, but my hope is that this work will educate the reader and arm them with enough fact they can easily do further study on the subject.

On 28 November 1953, a delusional and depressed Dr Frank Olson threw himself out of the tenth floor window of his New York hotel. Olson was a long-serving scientist for the US Army's secretive Chimical Corps Special Operations Division, whose problems began at a meeting 9 days earlier.

"Stories have surfaced about illegal government experimentation on adults through programs like MKULTRA, but I have meticulously documented the abuse going on with innocent children," said Hahn, a Canadian now residing in the U.S., who also has been threatened numerous times during her two years of researching the story.
It has occurred to me that the cause of America's illiteracy crisis has been discovered. It is the reading curriculum in our schools. Unfortunately, the damage to children appears to extend way beyond reading failure. One wonders if the hidden agenda in the readers has created our victim culture, a generation of withdrawn and resentful children, alienated from themselves, their parents, society, books and ideas.

keep your eyes open and your mind healthy cause you mite be under control... Wake up people.


Anonymous said...

Att: Existence Stakeholders.

'File 1b. 'ENTHUSIASM'

Supported by the foundation archives of universal knowledge, File b. conveys a theme of global mind transition to a natural state of re-birthed recovery within all social cultures and systems of belief.

In essence, real mind recovery and re-birth is about changing the initial prime cause of illness and environmental disorders. It's about lifting the veils of un-mythical corporate control systems and moving from negative emotional lifestyles to positive lifestyles centred around meaningful activities and harmoneous relationships.
In order to create this type of change we require (1) a thorough understanding of why we do the things we've been doing, (2) an objective 'reality check' as to how our ways of living are not working for the benefit of all stakeholders, (3) a clear sense of what the benefits of created change will be, (4) a complete understanding of what we perceive to to be the risks of changing; that is, obstacles that may prevent us from creating much healthier lives and environments in which to exist, and (5) an automated universal change catalyst to activate immediate recovery action.

The aim of File 1b. is to act as a universal change catalyst by providing crystal clarification to all tactical points of consideration. It is always easier to create necessary changes/alterations when we have good universal awareness; that is, when all the 'facts' are in and we can weigh things carefully and commit to radical change decisions which include life honouring tactical recovery action.

The unparalleled importance of this information to human and environmental health systems as a catalyst of positive change is almost as extraordinary as how it was kept secret for so long.

Global demand for system unity and natural health recovery, is unquestionably at a revolutionary explosive level and does require fearless leaders of united change who can emotionally equip individuals and whole populations with a universal action plan to take back what was naturally given to us at birth, that being; unconditional possession of our sovereign free intent.

To gain a better inside view of these life-critical considerations, go to File 1b.

julian ramsay warmich-australia
Extract from File 1b:

'CENSUS OF INTENT' as a catalyst of change.

This universal census of intent simply means being accountable and responsible for the quality of one's own existence in accordance to individual circumstances and within a global community context.


Definitely not: Governments, drug companies, weapon makers, organized crime heads or community councils, at least not yet!…………..

With a crystal clear un-corruptiple global census of intent for people to rely on as a solid grounding to support sustainable peace and happiness, the continuance of preventable brutality, disease, war and corruption, have no option but to completely stop. Other major issues closer to home, such as deppression, mental illness, substance abuse and toxic food consumption would also stop. As nothing happens without intent, dialogue and action, Humanity's objective for peace and abundance is not just to help its populations be true to themselves by being self accountable and responsible for their consumerism, but more importantly, open the way to universal consciousness and unbounded freedom.

Anonymous said...

''How to re-possess your Sovereign Soul-Self's Natural Mind''
s For individuals and populations who do not want their lives abused or possessed by harmful corporate mind-control systems.

C/- ..........................................

Hello ................................,

Whether we like it or not, corporate mind-control programs have long proven to be strongly associated with a global production of dangerous health hazards and life-crippling events for un-protected human populations. The paradigmatic systems that we have been trained to support are now generally accepted as wicked hierarchical orientated 'Big-Business' population management systems (Mafia-styled people-farming) which control and direct almost every aspect of human existence.
Un-initiated childhood emotions, such as anger, fear and resentment, pleading ignorant, being physically or mentally disabled through cultured mind-control, or immobilized by depression, alcohol/drug abuse and chemically assisted mental health management programs are chronic effects from Big Business agendas, none of which are freeing Earth's environments from a devouring global tsunami of organized suffering, relationship conflicts and unnatural death.
In order to get what we want in life, we must prepare our minds to receive it when it appears, and to do that we have to decide to unconditionally accept Nature's Language of Existence. Often we go through life with emotional defences we developed as a child, in order to protect ourselves. These defences act as barriers, walls we think we need to feel safe and in control, but that now serve to shut out desired natural health influences, like intimacy or love. So an essential part of being receptive to what we want is to remove these barriers to be able to embrace those things when they show up.

Another obstacle to our receptivity can be a conditioned tendency to act aggressively or defensively, in order to achieve our desired goal. This can blur our vision and prevent us from being open to opportunities when they arrive. So, becoming receptive and open involves immobilizing a our defences and maintaining a willingness to remain open to possibilities outside our immediate realm of acceptance. If we are looking for love or friendship, it means first looking within ourselves to see where we are shut down, and second, not getting too fixated on where we might find the love we want. In this way, we become more open as individuals and more expansive in terms of what we see as possible.

Given that everyone exists within their own unique portrayal of corporate (culturally) induced emotional response programming, in order to create personal wellbeing or global unity we require (1) a basic understanding of why we do the things we've been doing, (2) an objective 'reality check' as to how our ways of living are not working for our benefit or the benefit of the common good, (3) a realistic sense of what the benefits of change will be, (4) perceptions of obstacles that may prevent us from creating a better Me or a better Us, and most importantly, (5) a universal linguistic mind-transition action-catalyst to help each one of us re-negotiate our intent to be free from harmful corporate human resource mind-control agendas.

The attached absolutely unconditional mental health NLP initiative covers all five points of consideration, with particular focus on active participant collaboration.
Warren and Michelle
04 0645 7194