Sep 23, 2011


Wow! I can't believe Fab5 thought he was going to get away with this, but this type of thing happens everyday.
Graff writers always get the shitty end of the stick as it is and now here comes fab 5 freddie biting, no... let me correct that, "stealing" from real artist that are working hard and trying to make a living from their art. I hate when people copy shit and make money off of it like it was their own style. I'm glade Fab5 got caught out there.
Big shout out to revok for standing up for his friend Sever msk.

Revok words....

-This post is sure to ruffle some feathers and possibly damage a few relationships… But i cant bite my tongue on this one since it involves a dear friend and crew member of mine SEVER MSK.

So… I was eating dinner tonight entertaining myself with my iphone browsing the web, I came across something mentioning a recent show at Subliminal Projects in L.A. involving 2 of the most important and influential graffiti artists in history… And one poser. The title of this show ironically was “3 kings” -I nearly threw-up my salad.

Now FUTURA 2000 & LEE QUINONES are undeniably kings in every respect, and I have the highest respect for both artists and in no way aim to disrespect them. I think every writer on the planet would agree they are true kings in every respect… But this less than fabulous Freddie character is a lame and NEVER WAS A GRAFFITI WRITER/ARTIST. Actually let me make a correction… He painted some really shitty piece on a movie set, a music video, started a piece once on one train and didnt finish… and caught a few tags around a trendy neighborhood were a few key galleries were located in the 80′s… This in no way qualifies him as anything but a wanna-be and a perpetrator. To show this lame alongside true legends FUTURA & LEE is a travesty and insult to the culture.

Now I bet your wondering why I am going so hard at poor Fab-5 and knocking the guy’s hustle… Under any other circumstances I’d have a chuckle and go about my business… But I absolutely can not leave this one alone because that shit Fab-5 tried to present in a gallery as “original art” isn’t original. Fab’s “art” is composed entirely of stolen bits and pieces from my friend SEVER’s art… And its reproduced tragically might i add. Here is a guy who was NEVER a graffiti writer… Posing as a “king of graffiti” -All the while stealing from a REAL graffiti writer. SEVER is a world renown & globally recognized & respected graffiti artist… I bet “King FAB 5″ doesn’t even know who SEVER is and stumbled across SEVER’s work doing a google search… FUCKING PATHETIC.

Surely “King Fab-5″ would have a long catalogue of his own work to “sample” from to create original pieces for his art show right? -Wrong, he doesn’t have shit because he never did shit.

I guess “King FAB-5″ thought if he put SEVER’s V upside=down nobody would notice… WRONG.

A piece of SEVER’s printed in the Exchange book. Look at both the S & the V -look familiar?

-It seems “King Fab-5″ got his hands on a book my friends and I did a few years ago titled “The Exchange” This book is where he stole all of SEVER’s work from.

Now to the non graffiti-ist might not initially recognize what has been stolen… But any experienced writer will spot it immediately. One of the first codes a graffiti artist learns is the value of originality, and that stealing or “Biting” another artists work is frowned upon… Surely a “king” should be well aware of this fundamental rule. Here are some examples of SEVER’s work, the first 2 images are the works that were stolen…

SEVER’s E is at the center here, rotated 180 degrees counter-clockwise. Looks like a M belonging to TOTEM is also center.

Look at the A, R and the E… Now go back and look at Fab’s “Original art”

It’s a real shame I have to be a prick and pull Fab-5′s card like this, after all I grew up watching Yo’ MTV raps… And apparently the guy was partially responsible for the film “Wild Style” being made for christ’s sake… But Dude’s a fraud & a thief. Photoshopping an other artists work onto a canvas and presenting it as yours isn’t acceptable. I pity the poor bastard that bought into a line of bullshit and spent his or her $ on that garbage.

-I rest my case,

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great the proof is undeniable. POSERS MUST BE CALLED OUT & TAKEN DOWN. Its hard enough to make a make a mark art as is !!

It is NEVER ok to use someone else's work in any facet without permission!